Saturday, January 12, 2008


You know, I see a lot of folks posting their favorites videos on their blog. Got anymore room on that bandwagon? Slide over baby.

Refused "Rather Be Dead" - WHAT THE HELL is going on in this video? It's so random...or is it?

MXPX "Responsibility"
This band was huge for me in high school. So great.

Jimmy Eat World "Lucky Denver Mint"
Find me another band who actually outdoes themselves as time goes on, I dare you.

Park "Forming An End" DVD trailer
I know...not a music video, but they never did any offically. This band does it for me. Every time. I'm so glad I got to see their last show ever.

Blink 182 "Dammit"
You would basically hear this song at least once during any Battle Of The Bands competition in the late 90's.

Michael Jackson "Beat It"
I can distinctly remember going to my local video shop, frequently, and renting The Making Of Thriller on VHS. In fact, I got that same VHS as a birthday gift a few years ago. Let's just say there are more than a couple home videos of me as a youngster expressing my love for MJ through song and dance. Can we say "blackmail"???


Yo yooooo. Chicago website XChangeChicago did a piece on us. Much appreciated! You can check that out, and a bunch of other rad news here


Two-thousand and seven saw the beginning of FULLER. While I would love to tell you that everything worked out exactly how we wanted it to, that would be a lie. And I don't frooont. We made mistakes, we buried our heads in our hands time and time again, we laughed, we got mad, we got excited and right now, we're more than ready for 2008 and beyond. I don't have a list of specific goals. That's ridiculous. I have aspirations. I have ideas. If they work out, that's great. If they bomb, so fucking what. Am I going to do these things regardless? Absolutely. Listening to others has never been my forte.

I'm going to continue to do what I'm doing and I hope you kids will stick with me. Best of luck to all of you in 2008 with whatever it is you want to do. Here's a completely irrelevant quote from Jack Handy:

"I bet a fun thing would be to go way back in time to where there was going to be an eclipse and tell the cave men, 'If I have come to destroy you, may the sun be blotted out from the sky.' Just then the eclipse would start, and they'd probably try to kill you or something, but then you could explain about the rotation of the moon and all, and everyone would get a good laugh."

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Welcome to 2008. I'll post my hopes and thoughts about this upcoming year soon, but until then, here's something else. No, no...she did not do an interview with us, but hopefully we will soon. We missed this when it came out, so here it is. Chicago radio station B96 interviewing the one and only. Enjoy.